Friday, November 11, 2016

More Sinned against than Sinning

"More sinned against than sinning",  says King Lear in desperation.  But it is used more with Shylock.  Today when I turn the newspapers I can’t help equating Donald. J.Trump  with Shylock.  Let me also tell you I am not an expert on American politics and its implication.  First Donald has won a democratic election that was conducted as far as I know fair and not rigged.  There was no Arizona formula, rings in meatballs or containers of cash caught.

I think it is a tight slap on the faces of Journalists.  Same was the case with Modi, Assembly Elections, etc.  I was watching a news show where one of the editors was saying that it is high time we start reporting news and not opinions.  It is also a wake-up call to the journalists and psephologists that people do not care about what they say are the poll issues or whatever wave you predict.  Media you have crash landed onto earth, now report! Don’t from opinions.

The next thing that people cry about Trump’ is his  views on  Muslims.  Again the fact is yes!  It is a  truth that we need to accept.  When the whole world in is the grip of fears of attacks in the name of a particular religion, I see it as the natural reaction.  Let us remove our masks of being liberals, I have Muslim friends and my sister had rented her house a Muslim who stayed in the house for 8 years and he left the house brand new as had taken possession of it.  In spite of all that, I still feel that someone like Trump should put a stop to terrorism in the name of religion. He reflected the view of the layman on the road, not the person who sits and talks in newsrooms.  Let us face it, it is our duty and Muslims in particular to lift the misconceptions about the religion.  (About any religion for that matter)
All about the tapes leaked and swearing it is skeletons in the closet.  Don’t we have any? And to tell America has denied a woman becoming  a President,   I find it illogical.   You cannot elect a person based on gender.

I also see a lot of Americans protesting against the election of Trump.  What were u doing before elections?  Swallow the bitter pill, you need it, u can’t just be worried about soccer anymore.

I am not saying that Trump is a  Pure soul what we have seen is, with responsibility people have mellowed down.  And Politician’s poll promises. do I have to say?  For all Indians and the Indian Media, it is America's  turn to become swadeshi.  You worry because your green card dream is shattered.
Remember I have equated him to Shylock in the beginning and Shylock did not get his pound of flesh!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hi Friends!

It has long been my unfulfilled dream of writing a blog. I wanted to write but I was also worried as to who would read my blog!.  I was also worried about  exposing my ignorance and what not.  But few things made me write this blog. I consider this an outlet to express myself and have my say, whether the world likes it or not!
As my first blog I would like to talk about two things that changed my life forever.  I was a below average student at school  and I was happy with performing on stage, quiz,                 d ramatics.
In my college days,  I chose English Literature.  I continued with stage activities, got prizes, did well in studies and got a job as a Lecturer with a self-financing college in Pudukkottai.  I would call the "things ", life , milestones life, two in number.
The First:
I was like any other  youngster with an Eng. Lit. degree looking down upon anything that was written in local tongue (Tamil).  One of my colleagues gave a novelette by Jayakanthan , It was titled "Rishimoolam".  It turned page with scorn  as I crossed the fourth page I was glued to it.  The story deals with a  boy's yearning for the love of his mother bordering on Oedipus Complex , his life after his mother's death , his life at the house of  his father's friend and his wife (Mami),  a childless couple.  His  relationship with the lady of the house which becomes physical accidentally  , thus making him lose balance of his self and making him a recluse.  The whole world would revere him as a saint but the thought of that one incident remains a thorn in his heart.  Even the Mami see that as an act of a child but this guy loses his self forever.  What would one call it ? Madness or the stillness of a renounced soul!

  Reading this pulled me into a vortex out of which I never came back.  The greatness about Jayakanthan is he never judges people.  He presents them as they are no judgements!

  Don't Judge anybody!(till date  difficult to follow) 

The Second:
I was in-charge of the guests at the college I worked with.  One day I was told that one  Dr. Namazhwar was visiting and I need to accompany him to the college.  I never knew who he was.  I received him at our college gate .  I was shocked. I saw a  man with a turban and shawl and he never looked like a scientist.  I took him for granted and I was just exchanging pleasantries.  It was March and I was wearing a tie , shoe and profusely sweating.  He immediately said with a smile "It is because of people  like you, our country will never grow!" I was shocked.  He further added, " Look at  the climate  it is very hot and you are dressed like this, Can't you think?"
I changed forever.  I didn't throw my tie and shoe away as the college demanded it and it was the matter of my Idli and Sambar(Bread and Butter I hate!)
But I started to think from that day!  Wearing tie and shoe , just reading English books, doesn't make you modern or up to date!
Think Global! Act Local!